Round 8 Of Tell It Like It Is PAC’s 10 Reasons Donald Trump Is Afraid to Debate

Round 8 Of Tell It Like It Is PAC’s 10 Reasons Donald Trump Is Afraid to Debate

ARLINGTON, VA — Today, Tell It Like It Is PAC released the eighth ad in a ten-part video series highlighting why Donald Trump is afraid to commit to the first Republican National Committee (RNC) debate on August 23rd.

Round Eight takes Trump to task for his checkered business career and series of bankruptcies. Fiscal responsibility has not been a strong suit for Trump - he added $6 trillion to the federal debt and his businesses filed for bankruptcy multiple times. During this campaign, Trump has faced allegations of swindling donors by using their hard earned money to cover his mounting legal fees. 

The underlying message behind the digital campaign is clear: Donald Trump is afraid to debate because he knows that Governor Christie will bring the fight directly to him. Unlike the other candidates in the race, Governor Christie is not afraid to prosecute his failures and disqualifying behavior.

Round 8: Bankrupt