Round 9 Of Tell It Like It Is PAC’s 10 Reasons Donald Trump Is Afraid to Debate
Round 9 Of Tell It Like It Is PAC’s 10 Reasons Donald Trump Is Afraid to Debate
ARLINGTON, VA — Today, Tell It Like It Is PAC released the ninth ad in a ten-part video series highlighting why Donald Trump is afraid to commit to the first Republican National Committee (RNC) debate on August 23rd. Round Nine takes Trump to task for losing a few miles off of his fast ball. He’s low energy compared to his past performances. Nobody can escape father time, and it has caught up to Donald Trump. As Governor Christie likes to remind Americans, if Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the nominees, they will be a combined 160 years old on Election Day. Most Americans agree that Biden and Trump are past their primes and it’s time to move on. The underlying message behind the digital campaign is clear: Donald Trump is afraid to debate because he knows that Governor Christie will bring the fight directly to him. Unlike the other candidates in the race, Governor Christie is not afraid to prosecute his failures and disqualifying behavior. |