The Final Round Of Tell It Like It Is PAC’s 10 Reasons Donald Trump Won’t Debate

The Final Round Of Tell It Like It Is PAC’s 10 Reasons Donald Trump Won’t Debate

ARLINGTON, VA — Tell It Like It Is PAC today launched the final ad in its campaign targeting Donald Trump for his refusal to commit to participating in the first Republican National Committee (RNC) debate. The campaign featured a series of 10 unique videos which highlighted Trump’s shortcomings, broken promises, and failures.

The new video affirms what Tell It Like It Is PAC has been saying all along: Donald Trump is afraid to debate because he knows that Governor Christie will bring the fight directly to him. Unlike the other candidates in the race, Governor Christie is not afraid to prosecute his failures and disqualifying behavior.  

It turns out that Trump’s “tough guy” persona is nothing more than a facade, and that Trump is afraid to go toe to toe with Governor Christie on the debate stage. 

On Wednesday, Governor Christie will be on the debate stage, answering the questions directly and telling it like it is. 

The Final Round