In Case You Missed It: Boston Herald: “Chris Christie Returns To New Hampshire As Poll Numbers Surge”
In Case You Missed It:
Boston Herald: “Chris Christie Returns To New Hampshire As Poll Numbers Surge”
“Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was back in the Granite State on Thursday for a string of campaign events which come just as his run toward the Republican nomination seems to be gathering some steam.”
Boston Herald
Matthew Medsger
November 16, 2023
“Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was back in the Granite State on Thursday for a string of campaign events which come just as his run toward the Republican nomination seems to be gathering some steam.
“Christie started the day on Main Street in Concord at the Bank of New Hampshire Stage, where he joined a veterans forum hosted and broadcast by the radio program Good Morning New Hampshire. The former federal prosecutor was then scheduled to head toward the seacoast for a business roundtable in Portsmouth, followed by a townhall in Hampton. …
“The two-term Garden State governor’s campaign had cause to celebrate as they moved around the first-in-the-nation primary state, where Christie suddenly finds himself polling in third in a slowly shrinking Republican field, behind former President Donald Trump and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley.
“Trump, according to polling by the University of New Hampshire, enjoys the support of 42% of Granite State conservatives, while Haley nets 20% and Christie 14%.
“Trump fares far worse among moderates, earning only 18% of the vote among this group compared to 35% who support Haley and 33% who support Christie,” pollsters wrote.
“Among the newest Republicans to lean into politics — the 17% polled who did not vote in 2016 — less than 10% are fans of the former president.
“Christie (36%) leads among these new voters followed by Haley (31%) while Trump earns only 9% of the vote among this group,” pollsters wrote. …”