Christie Super PAC: “The Voice of Chris Christie Will Remain Loud and Clear"

Christie Super PAC: “The Voice of Chris Christie Will Remain Loud and Clear"

ARLINGTON, VA — Today, Bill Palatucci, Chairman of Tell It Like It Is PAC, released the following statement:

“Governor Christie’s withdrawal as a candidate today in no way diminishes my expectation that he will remain the individual dealing most honestly and directly with the issues facing America, at home and aboard. The Governor remains a national leader, not just for Republicans, but for everyone concerned about America’s place in the world, the runaway deficit and the rule of law which is the foundation of the republic.  I know that he will remain an articulate voice for the crises which conservatives see in America today - from the invasion at our southern border, the runaway deficit, the lack of respect for law enforcement and the cost of living for all Americans. In short, the voice of Chris Christie will remain loud and clear.”
